
Hi folks, I hope you are all keeping warm and dry?
I am delighted to announce that we have a new Protect Association company member.

It’s Advice For Advisers Ltd, (A4A) a company set up and run by Protection insurance industry legend and multi award winner, Kathryn Knowles, PHD, has joined the Protection Association.
A4A is here to help you get your vital IDD CPD points. Kathryn also brings you her Practical Protection Podcast that gives you free access to over 65 hours of CPD, covering market insights right through to deep dives into underwriting.
As a member of Protect Association you can access Kathryn’s next training course at a discounted price. Starting from 5th May 2023, the course gives you 13 hours of CPD that focuses on compliance, eight key areas of medical underwriting, product knowledge, a live role play, a fact-find, and much more. Book before 21st April to join the course at the discounted price of £999 including vat (usual price £1,249)

To find out more do take a look at the A4A website for more information about the training course

My sincere thanks to Kathryn for offering our Protect Association members such a generous discount. Please do contact her direct to book your places.
If you or your company can offer services to other Protect Association members at a discounted rate, please do let me know I would be happy to help you share them.

Best wishes
Steve Devine
Chair, Protect Association